Give us a call today and see why we are the best guide service when it comes to accommodations and catching big fish.
450.00 – 5 to 6 hours – per 2 person
600.00 -7 to 8 hours – per 2 person
50.00 plus per person up to 4 anglers
Bob & Todd Fishing Lodge
Only $45.00/Night per person – Our lodge is convenient, and much more comfortable and spacious than a hotel room.(Kids stay free & fish free up to age 16).
Call us today to make your reservations at

- Refund policy
- We understand that life happens and you may have to reschedule your Fishing trip. We will be glad to try and accommodate you but if cancellation is your only option, our refund policy is: 15+ days prior to trip-you will receive a full refund.
- 8-14 days from your trip – you will receive a 50% refund of the trip cost.
- 7 days from the trip or less you will be responsible for the full trip cost.